Women and Business Can Thrive Together

Throughout my life, I have seen many things and lived through many interesting and unique experiences. But one thing remains the same, I know we are all human and we need to all care about each other. This means helping each other so we can grow and enjoy life to the fullest. Women who work in corporate or own their own business, are still a minority. My struggles in small business to corporate, and even owning my own e-commerce company, have allowed me the experiences to help us change our approach. So while I am just “I”, the page “About Us” is all of us!

I started my career as a part-time receptionist to pay my way through college. After one year I was promoted to IT tech support, then to Project Manager. After spending eleven years with my first company, I then went to work for a start-up. With this company I excelled – from a Project Manager/Clinical Trainer, I moved to Director, Vice President and now to Senior VP all in all my career path for my current company has been twelve years. Later this company was acquired by a Fortune 500, thus my role changed drastically.

Outside of my “day job,” I also believe strongly in multiple streams of income (or to some a side hustle). For the past seven years, I am actively involved in the following: Amazon FBA, eCommerce, published author, and freelancer. No one should have all of their eggs in one basket.

KA Stello

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